Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The new minority...

...take a guess. It's:


Just heard that one study anticipates that 60% of America's wealth in 2010 will be held by women. So my question is, when will the gov't start instituting programs to ensure that men maintain the ability be wealthy?

While that is partly in jest, it does raise a good question. How do the courts define equality? What happens if a minority (whether race, nationality, gender, etc) becomes a majority? Does the former majority class now get minority status? Does it swing back and forth until it is split 50/50 (or whatever the appropriate breakdown is)?

1 comment:

The Brain said...

Just a guess, but is the wealth transfer caused by rich old guys spending their lives single and involved in their business efforts, then getting young trophy wives and leaving loads of stuff to said women when the old guys croak?