Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Girl!

Despite some continuing reflux problems, our girl is still as happy as ever. The pictures below are from Thanksgiving weekend through today:

My own Thanksgiving feast of sweet potatoes - on a picnic!!

Mommy and Daddy kept throwing this brown, oddly-shaped thing back and forth. I'm not sure who won, but I think Daddy threw the best.

Mommy set out all these small people on the floor. For some reason, I really like the baby. I hope he's warm - I know how cold I get when I don't have any clothes on!

Somehow, all the people suddenly got bigger!! The guy in red is trying to read my bib, but I don't think he can understand English.

Ahh, just chillin' in the big, comfy, round chair. Actually, this is the new outfit that Nana got me for Thanksgiving. Although I've lost some ounces (I'm still trying to find them), this 6 mo. outfit fits perfectly!

Get your squint on, yo!

Closing shot. Yes, I'm just a doll....


Unknown said...

Very Cute! It looks like it was pretty warm there Thanksgiving. It was in the upper 70's here in Oklahoma and Texas. The bag in the second picture is very cute! Where did you get it?

the Tyrant said...

AW! though I'm excited for Christmas, I can't wait for you all to be back - Mia's "Aunt" misses her!!! :-)