Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Brave New World

No, I haven't been reading Aldous Huxley. This another story of our brave little girl.

Today, lil' Mia, at only 11 lbs 6 oz, had to get an endoscopy. That involved being put to sleep with general anesthesia, having a camera plunged down her throat, and waking up with a weird lady trying to feed her sugar water out of a bottle! YIKES!

The Doc was really great, he even did this on a 7-week old the other day. Anyway, he saw no visible signs of any problems (except a little irritation of the duodenum), and we'll hear back about the biopsy in 7-10 days. Our little one woke up a little groggy, but after eating and resting in her car seat, and then a good nap, she was no worse for the wear.

Thankfully, we didn't see this, but apparently they couldn't find a vein for the IV in her feet or arms, so the IV ended being put in her forehead. Poor thing!

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