Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I am no ditto-head. Honestly. I listened to Rush back in my high school days when Dad was driving us in the car. But I don't listen to him now nor really keep up much with him. But I saw a couple short clips from his CPAC speech and couldn't have agreed with him more. Here's from the FoxNews transcript:

As I say, we want the best: Happiness for everybody. Now, about my still-to-me mysteriously controversial comment that I hope President Obama fails. I was watching the Super Bowl. And as you know, I love the Pittsburgh Steelers. [Cheers and Applause] So they have this miraculous scoring drive that puts them up by four, 15 seconds left. Kurt Warner on the field for the Cardinals. And I sure as heck want you to know I hope he failed. I did not want the Cardinals to win. I wanted Warner to make the biggest fool of himself possible. I wanted a sack, I wanted anything. I wanted the Steelers to win. I wanted to win. I wanted the Cardinals to fail. This notion that I want the President to fail, folks, this shows you a sign of the problem we've got. That's nothing more than common sense and to not be able to say it, why in the world do I want what we just described, rampant government growth indebtedness, wealth that's not even being created yet that is being spent, what is in this? What possibly is in this that anybody of us wants to succeed? Did the Democrats want the war on Iraq to fail!


RUSH: They certainly did. They not only wanted the war in Iraq to fail, they proclaimed it a failure. There's Dingy Harry Reid waiving a white flag: [doing Harry Reid impression] "This war is lost. This war is" --

[Cheers and Applause]

They called General Petraeus a liar before he even testified. Mrs. Clinton -- [Crowd Booing] -- said she had to, willingly suspend disbelief in order to listen to Petraeus. We're in the process of winning the war. The last thing they wanted was to win. They hoped George Bush failed. So what is so strange about being honest to say that I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation? Why would I want that to succeed? [Applause]

"Why would I want that to succeed?" Exactly. Exactly. Never does Rush say he wants harm to the President. Never does he call him a bad man (in fact, I think he grants him a "very good politician" moniker). But if we don't agree with the President's politics, direction for the country, or spending frenzy - why would we want that to succeed? And if the opposite of success is failure - well, you do the math.

We need his policies to fail so that the country doesn't fall for this gig again. We need his spending frenzy to not work so that tax cuts, fiscal restraint, business investment, and less government is valued. On this count - I'm with Rush.

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