Saturday, November 25, 2006


So we watched Titanic last night. The cleaned-up TV version. I think this is the second time we've caught it on TV, and it's not a bad flick (again, if you see the cleaned-up TV version).

Both times, once the movie is near the end, I hear a little sniffle from next to me, and I see this look in Ang's eyes. "Baaaabe," it slowly comes out, with that "I don't ever want to lose you" pouty face. And then the two most important words of our relationship.

"No boats."

That's right - "No boats."

Remind me not to watch Jaws, Air Force One, or Panic Room with Ang. Else, it might be: "No beach;" "No planes;" and "No house."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe... that's so cute. :)