Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Story of Flying

Most people's first question when we tell them we took a trip to LA is: "How did Amelia do flying?" Thankfully, we had flown twice with her before, so we knew that she would handle it pretty well.

Going out, we seemed to time things perfectly. Amelia ate in the airport about 45 minutes before we took off. Then, right was we were about to take off, she got sleepy and fell asleep through takeoff.

[Side note: Have you ever flown in a 777?? I was blown away by the power in the engines. We were stuffed (no empty seats), and the thrust in the engines was phenomenal.]

Amelia managed to sleep about an hour and a half, then she ate, played, and was ready to sleep again. This time, she slept about 2 hours, most of the time laying on my lap (which was much easier than holding her that long).

She didn't wake up until we landed, so it was perfect timing.

Coming home? Well, same scenario, where she ate about 45 minutes prior to take off. But for some reason, she couldn't settle down, and she ended up screaming for about 30 minutes straight. I then spent the next hour or so holding her, bouncing her, etc etc. She finally slept for a bit, woke up, and was fussy again. Nonetheless, we could definitely tell: 1) she was tired of being on the road and out of her routine, and ready to be home; and 2) her teeth/gums are really bothering her. I think it was a combination of the two.

So she was great going, a little difficult coming home, but all in all- she's a great traveler.

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