Thursday, November 09, 2006

Election rundown

So how did we fare in Tuesday's election?


1) Rick Santorum. As you may know I'm a huge fan of Senator Santorum. Part of it is personal, but an even greater reason is because of who he is in the Senate. In an age when no one seems to stand for anything, Sen. Santorum is a truly principled man. He believes in something and doesn't care if it isn't popular. He has sought to help the helpless and protect the innocent. The Senate has lost a real leader and a great man.

2) The Senate as a whole. Thanks to George Allen's incomprehensible gaffes, such as his inability to keep his mouth shut, the Repubs have lost control of the Senate.

3) The House. Nancy Pelosi will be speaker of the House. Need I say more?


1) Frank Wolf. Congressman Wolf is a real statesman and represents the VA 10th District wholeheartedly. It's good to have him back.

2) Virginia marriage amendment. Passed overwhelmingly. Conservative values still prevail in VA.

3) ROAD BONDS!!! Loudoun voters have recognized that the state and development community won't and can't solve all of our transportation problems. Now the County will be using local funding to build roads. It's time to get some pavement on the ground.

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