Thursday, July 06, 2006


I can't remember everything I was going to post, but here's a rundown of our lives as of late:

  • I played golf on Monday with Mike and Mark (my next door neighbor). We had fun in 94 degree/85% humidity weather- I actually did very well. Crushed the pitooey out of the ball and shot a 108- should have been about 100, but I had two 10's (I can explain later).
  • Amelia has been sleeping better at night. She actually went 6 hours between feedings the other night. We think it has a lot to do with putting rice cereal in her bottle to help the food stay settled and not creep back up to cause pain.
  • Did anyone see the Germany heartbreak? They played well for 118.5 minutes. And then they couldn't clear a corner kick. Wow.
  • Wimbledon Finals are this weekend- should be exciting.
And the big item of the day- well, you'll have to look at the next post.

Oh- ps- about the most important person in our household- Ang has been doing well. She's been venturing out more with little 'Mia (don't ask if this is a permanent nickname, but it's easier to txt msg to each other). In fact, she just couldn't wait to go to the mall with her little girl. It's good to see them having fun together already!!

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