Thursday, July 06, 2006

Men - Buy this for your wife!!!

For the last year/18 months, Ang has been talking about the "Southern Living Ultimate Cookbook." My sister-in-law just raved about it, and I think Mom got one for Christmas one year. I had planned to get Ang a copy, but got her other things instead.

So imagine our (!) excitement when a notice came in the mail about a special- the new, updated Ultimate Cookbook for half the price!!! And I quickly caved.

Needless to say, it has been worth every penny. The very day it came we went to the store, got ingredients, and made three dishes that were phenomenal. The most impressive was a blue-cheese spread/sauce/topping for our grilled filet mignons and baked potatoes. It was amazing.

But possibly even better than grilled steak were the BBQ Ribs we made for the Fourth. They were the most tender, most flavor, and best ribs I have ever had. I don't think I could ever order ribs from a restaurant again. I probably shouldn't post the recipe here for fear of copyright infringement, but if you're interested, e-mail Ang (you're allowed to share recipes with friends, right?). Warning, it took a bit of preparation. But maybe that made it taste even better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ang is amazing - to have time to do all that with a newborn??? None of us can ever have children, we won't be able to live up to the standard :-)