Wednesday, January 18, 2006


The latest craze in the Davis household is Sudoku. I didn't understand the interest in this "puzzle" until Ang bought me a book for Christmas. Every puzzle is a challenge, and it suits my math/logic-minded mind quite well. To see an online puzzle, check out here.

Apparently the original name of this exercise in logic was "Suuji wa dokushin ni kagiru" which means "it is best for the number to be single." Obviously, this doesn't make for a good name to just toss around during lunch break, so it was shortened to Sudoku, su meaning "number" and doku meaning "single."*

Try it out- you may like it.

*Info taken from The Original Sudoku

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, my goodness!!!!!!! I tried this one out (it was 5-star diffuculty... I may have to try an easier one) but it is soooo fun! You look at it, and you think, what in the world...???? HOW can I ever do this? But really, its terriffic!