Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cat's timing

Our precious little kitty, Dido, seems to have the uncanny knack for sitting down in one's lap just as soon as one is ready to move. Inevitably, out of pity, that person ends up sitting almost motionless in the same spot, not wanting to disturb sweet Dido, and is therefore rendered useless.

As I type, Dido is covering my forearms up to my fingers, and I can barely type without disturbing her. I can't even change the channel, grab my coffee, or shuffle my position.

Why, you ask, doesn't one simply toss her off one's lap and get on with one's own way? Because it's a great feeling to have this little animal that you rescued come and sit and perch on your lap- she's trusts you enough that she wants to always be in your world. I guess I just hate to disturb her peace.

Then again, it's lunch time, and I'm super-hungry.... off you go, cat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww =). but when the baby comes...sorry, cat!