Saturday, December 06, 2008

A post only a grandparent* will appreciate

*and Aunt Abby (!)

My iPhone has been *ahem* enabled to turn the camera into a video camera. Nothing spectacular, but pretty decent video. And it's actually the perfect size for posting on the web.

So I took a bunch of videos over Thanksgiving. Some in the airplane (it's short). And one today. So here goes - now Google Video has compressed them, and actually tries to make them bigger than they are - so be sure to choose "original size" if it looks too pixelated.

Addy on the play mat:

Laughing in the Bouncy Seat:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Mia falling asleep in the car seat:

Monkey Mia:

Mia on the Bouncy Castle ("Castle Playground" as she calls it:

Bouncy Castle 2 (wait for the end on this one - it's great!):

Singin' with Granddad:

Sunset from 12,000ish feet:

Addy's first..."conversation":

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