Tuesday, December 09, 2008

It's a Bonus!

If you had asked me yesterday who Blagojevich is, I'd have guessed he's one of the new breed of Hungarian/Serbian basketball players making an impact in the NBA. Ummmm, guess not.

Just so happens he's the governor of Illinois. Just so happens he got the benefit of choosing the person to fill Obama's Senate seat. Just so happens he...WHAT??...tried to "sell" this slot. $500,000 here, $150,000 there, and BOOM - you're a Senator. Suh-weet!

I've already heard one political pundit state that Illinois politics is incredibly intertwined and corrupt, and that Rahm Emanuel can't be too far separated from this incident. In fact, said person stated that Mr. Emanuel should have to resign as Chief of Staff before even taking the position.

Remember, people. This is change we can believe in.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

Well said....

The headlines lately ("US Government to Have Ownership Stake in Big Three Automakers", the Blogevich story, etc....) feel like something out of the
1970s Soviet Union.