Saturday, August 02, 2008

"It's like a Rossini"

Those were the words of the cheese man - yes, you heard (read) me correctly - the "cheese man" at Wegmans. My Dad and sister could go to Wegmans every day to look for new and exciting things. This particular day, they decided to get some fancy cheese. This gentleman, John, said that his most favorite cheese is called Trugole.

He said, "It's like a symphony in your mouth. It's like a Rossini!!"

To the everyday person, that wouldn't mean much. But Rossini - my gosh - is composer of the "William Tell Overture." If you have 6 minutes, watch the video below. The music will be very familiar. And think about a bite of cheese - starts mellow and smooth, and then BURSTS into incredible flavor. [Now, if only it didn't cost $10.99/lb!]

Edit: I think the funniest part of this entire video is when the music gets really ambitious and the spectators' umbrellas are bobbing up-and-down to the music. Almost like they can't contain themselves. Hilarious!!

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