Friday, July 18, 2008

What ifs....

It is so easy to live life thinking of the "What ifs?" For instance:

* What if I had made a different decision on buying/selling stocks, which would have meant at least $15,000 more in the bank than I have now (a very recent example)?
* What if I had bought a house when I moved up to college, before the housing boom hit, resulting in less debt and more equity?

Conversely, thinking about Addysen's birth last week:

* What if I had been at softball when Angela began bleeding and I was out of touch for 2 hours?
* What if we had been at the wedding we were scheduled to attend the following night and had the same medical emergency?

Life ends up being both depressing (see first two points) and fearful (see last two points) if we try to live it looking backwards. But thankfully my peace, joy, and future don't depend on a) the stock market; b) my IRA (or lack thereof); or c) the price of oil. And we aren't dragged along aimlessly through life without a Shepherd to lead us (us being the foolish and dumb sheep!).

Reminds me (please indulge me here) of my final exam paper for Latin IV. We were instructed to take a piece of Latin poetry and compare the worldview in it to the Christian worldview. I used the prevailing sentiment in Roman literature that the gods and fates of the Roman world were simply toying with humans, and specifically, that Love (Cupid) was a torturer and dragging his conquest through the streets like a champion of war dragging the defeated enemy. Contrast this to the God of the Bible, who, quite remarkable in its comparison, was drug through the streets of Jerusalem on His way to being sacrificed for all mankind. This is Love as seen in the Bible - man being forgiven and spared the things he deserves and given the most unreachable thing he doesn't deserve (the righteousness of Christ).

I know this is a bit off topic, but I am always reminded of God's faithfulness to care for His children. Not that trials/pains/sadness won't come, but His way is perfect.

No "what ifs" here.

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