Sunday, July 13, 2008

Surprise Appearance by Baby Davis!

God's timing is perfect! Just hours after Angela's mom and grandparents arrived Friday afternoon from Memphis for a visit, Angela began bleeding heavily. "Nurse Nana" jumped into action, Amelia was down asleep (or close to it), and Dad ran two red lights to the hospital. Mommy Angela was trying to stay calm.

After checking-in at the hospital and some positive vital signs, the doctor prepared for a C-section, which had been scheduled for three weeks later. And at 9:41pm on Friday, July 11, 2008, our beautiful and wonderfully healthy Addysen Leigh Davis was delivered into the "world outside the womb." She weighed a whopping 6lbs 2oz and measured at 19 1/4 inches long. Her apgar was a 9/9, which I consider great for a baby only at 36 weeks. Mom is feeling well, although the epidural is just beginning to wear off, and all signs are for a very healthy recovery.

Attached are two pictures from the day after. My only pictures from Friday are via camera phone, and I've yet to find a way to email them.

Finally, as my little sister told me on the phone, I thought I was anticipating July 11th because of the new iPhone. Now I know that God had infinitely greater things in store for me on that day. And it gives new meaning to a possible nickname for her - iGirl.

Praise to the Lord, the One who guides and directs our paths. And love to all.

Danny (for Ang, Mia, and Addy)


Leah said...

Congratulations!!! I am so glad to hear that all are healthy. And she is BEAUTIFUL! She looks just like Mia. :)

Drew, Leah & Ben

Leeann said...

Congrats, Davises! Praise God that everyone is healthy. I'm thrilled for you :) Blessings on little Addy and this time of transition!

The Hunsbergers said...

Congratulations! God's timing is absolutely perfect.

Abby said...

we can't wait to meet her and, in the meantime, see more pictures!!

Sarah M. said...

Congratulations again! Hope you guys had a good first weekend/few days together. Btw, if your cell phone has bluetooth you might be able to download them to your computer if your computer has bluetooth capabilities. I was able to from my cell to our Mac.

the Tyrant said...

Another "home run" - what a doll :-) so glad everything went well and safe. You are all in our prayers! "Aunt" Sara and "Uncle" Mike can't wait to see the new gal.