Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Brain Dump

So I can't always blog what I want when I want. So I have a bunch of things at once. I'll try to bunch them together. First- news articles.

1) Washington's 'Dr. No' - I think if my dad were a Congressman, this is the kind of stuff he'd do. Go Dr. Coburn.

2) Extreme Makeover gone bust - more commentary than article.

3) Obama's Victory Lap - being a bit presumptuous. Great article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed! We need more statesmen like Dr. Coburn and fewer politicians or this country may crumble under the weight of self-serving greed. He is to be lauded for his self-imposed term limits and loyalty to his principles. May God bless Dr. Coburn and have mercy on the United States of America.... Dad