Sunday, May 11, 2008

The sickest she's been

Our little girl woke up Wed morning with a slight fever, and to be safe we called the doctor. Even though she was running around as chipper as ever, Mia had a double-doozey: a double ear infection and strep throat. Sure enough, she woke up the next morning with a 103 fever.

She's still slept great through it all, which has helped her get better. That, and the medicine, which might have been the worst part of it all. She can't stand the medicine, and even though we mix it with orange juice, she still fights it down. [On a brief note, we tried "forcing" it down with the syringe, but that got her gag reflex going, wasn't a pretty sight.]

Amazingly, this isn't related to her sickness, but our silly little girl won't touch pizza. She used to gobble it down, and now she doesn't even want a bite. I figure that just means more for me. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww...poor mia! i havent had an ear infection in forever, but i know strep is terrible. tell her aunt abby loves her, and i'll be praying for her!