Sunday, February 03, 2008

Danny on a Diet

"If you turned sideways, we couldn't see you."
"If you jump in the air, the wind will blow you away."

These were (are) some of the typical comments I used to get about my....stature. Thin. Don't worry, that part hasn't changed. I'm a balmy 6'1", 160lbs.

But for some reason, my blood pressure is high. Like upper 140s/upper 80s. Sometimes in the 150/90 range. Yeah, not good. And not normal for a young, thin, relatively healthy guy.

So I have to start watching what I eat. Mainly salt/sodium (is that redundant?). No more big ham/turkey/bacon sandwiches and fries. Fewer Cheez-Its. (Big Bummer!) More oatmeal, dried fruit, and blandish chicken. Thankfully, it's going pretty well. I did eat at Bob Evans the other night, which probably consisted of my entire day's worth of salt in three bites of Country Fried Steak (mmmmmm), but I downed tons of water.

What this means is that I check the nutritional value before going places - like Chick-Fil-A or even Dunkin' Donuts.

Oh, and I need to exercise more. So yesterday (again, the fam out of town), I did the following:
-- Went for a run (totally out of shape, sucking wind after 2 minutes, and barely made it 10)
-- Hit a bucket of balls at the driving range (I LOVE my new hybrid)
-- Went to the mall (walking)
-- Hiked up a mountain (sucking wind again)
-- Hiked down
-- Walked along the C&O Canal/Potomac River (tired legs, didn't suck too much wind)
-- Went shopping at the L'Burg Outlets (tired legs)
-- Watched a movie while eating health food and pomegranate juice (not tiring at all!)

This week we go skiing. I have lift tickets for three days. My legs might fall off just thinking about it.

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