Monday, February 18, 2008

And Baby Makes Four

Many of you probably already know, but for those not in our immediate family or living close by, we have another little one on the way, due August 10th. =) That makes me (Ang) 15 weeks along and our little baby about 4 inches long and 2 1/2 ounces. (See apple for comparative size. :-D)

We're really excited, and Amelia is too, though she still isn't completely aware of what's going on. I often remind her that she will soon be a big sister (or already is, in a manner of speaking) and that the baby is growing in mommy's tummy. In response, she usually points to her tummy and says "Mia's tum?" and I say, "No, sweetheart, the baby is in MOMMY's tummy!" I'm afraid there's no explaining "womb" to a 21-month old!


The Hunsbergers said...

Congratulations! That is great news :-D

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Way to copycat us!! :-)

Leah said...

I had heard rumors, but CONGRATS!!! YAY for Baby Davis #2!! How are you feeling?

Leah, Drew & Benjamin

Elisa said...

Congratulations!! We're very happy for all of you. I pray everything goes well and that you have a very easy pregnancy :-)

Sarah M. said...

Wow... I didn't realize I had missed so many posts back in February. Apparently I didn't do much blog reading that month. However, I've been paying much more attention. Congrats again!