Saturday, February 23, 2008

The best part was...

Besides the skiing and time with Ang and time away from the child and the beautiful scenery and the wonderful friends....Okay, so maybe not the best part....but one of the more fun parts of the trip was the "friendly" competition between all of the guys on the... Wii!!

One of the guys brought his Wii with three remotes, and although there were five of us, we worked out a pretty good system of competition. Home run hitting, golf target practice, power bowling, and tennis returns were just a few of the numerous games we played. It's amazing how responsible, career-oriented dads can instantly turn into 16-year-olds when a game console is brought into play.

I think I'll credit all that extra "exercise" for helping me not get sore from all the skiing. Yeah, that was it.


Unknown said...

So mysterious - your friend or that guy. Some reason you don't want to claim us? ;-)

DcD said...

Just trying to protect your privacy. But since you want recognition - "our friends" are Todd and Kerri, the most wonderful, amazing friends in the WORLD! ;)

Oh, and "that guy" is Todd. He's a Wii Master (although he gets a little apathetic with putting his entire body into the swing - he just does the flicky-wrist thing).
