Monday, June 11, 2007

Waiting...waiting...not quite yet.

So, what random thoughts come to mind when you've been on hold with Delta for 70 minutes and 12 seconds...13...14...15.....??

1) Too bad I was on hold for 45 minutes the FIRST time I called, only to find out that I hadn't accomplished anything.

2) It takes at least two "supervisors" to fix some random problem that I created in their reservation system.

3) It's still worth the $120 I'm saving, plus getting my lovely wife and daughter home for Father's Day (they'll have been gone 2 weeks by then!!)

4) I have a hard time spelling the word privilege. I always want to spell it "privelege" (which is not correct - do not read this and say, "Well, Danny spelled it that way, it must be correct").

5) Sarah thinks I'm brilliant. I'll take it, whether she's just trying to get on my nerves or not. Then again, this is coming from the one who tried (unsuccessfully) to make cupcakes at 4am. I'll get back with you on this one....

6) It's hard to clean toilets without toilet bowl cleaner.

7) We're pushing 90 minutes here - this is almost getting absurd (I'll probably become a case study for issuing tickets).

8) I finally bought vertical blinds for our sliding glass door in our kitchen. But - it's really tall, and the tallest size ended up about 4 inches short - looks like a little boy (me, maybe?) whose slacks were just a bit too short and didn't fall to his shoes.

9) The Wall Street Journal is a great thing to have when you're eating out alone - keeps you from feeling quite so alone.

10) After 90 minutes - I got disconnected. Wow.



Addendum: After all that, they got the reservation details wrong!! AARRGGGHHH!!!!


Anonymous said...

I said you were brilliant? I must have been sleeping, or temporarily insane, or inebriated or something...:-P

DcD said...

I think you were so blown-away that I could actually cook that random words started coming out of your mouth....