Saturday, June 09, 2007


This is a bit late for Memorial Day, but the sentiment remains.

I've never watched "Deadliest Catch" before, but I flipped it on last night for a few minutes and marveled that someone would choose, much less enjoy, that job. Then I saw and ad for "Oil, Sweat, and Rigs" (or something) where these guys risk their lives working on oil rigs. I immediately thought of how grateful I am that I don't have to risk my life every day at my job.

And then I read through an article in Worldabout soldiers and their families from Ft. Hood, Texas. They've lost hundreds of men in the war and the strain is undeniable. My job is nothing compared to these men and women who risk their lives - not for fast cash like the crabbers in Alaska - but for the sake of our country. That is sacrifice, and these are the jobs we should be showcasing on primetime television.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sum it up in one sentence: "You can earn $35,000 in under 2 weeks".