Yesterday I got a laptop for my work computer. This way I can work at home, if needed, or possibly even telework, if it fits into my job description.
I was trying to customize for all of my settings, and decided I'd take it home to add some files from home that I might need. I plugged in my external HD, and as I've had to do before, went into "Disk Management" in order to assign a drive letter to the external drive. At the same time, I was talking on the phone with Ang and slightly distracted.
After I hit "OK" I had a bad feeling about what I had done. I had not, in fact, actually changed the letter of the external drive. No, I had changed the SYSTEM hard drive letter from C: to E: . Yes, the hard drive which my OS is loaded upon. Immediately the system began to run slowly, and still slightly distracted and a little flustered, I decided a restart would fix things.
Nope. Rebooting actually made it worse. Upon loading up, I could log-in, and then it would immediately log back out. And again. Even in "Safe Mode". Nothing worked.
I had it less than 12 hours and had toasted the operating system. Nice job, Senior Project Manager. Oh well, a quick trip to the IT dept. and it was brand new, once again.