Thursday, November 18, 2004

Another absurd attempt...

Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) has apparently gotten himself into some "trouble" with the Penn Hills School District. His three oldest children attend Pennsylvania's Charter Cyber-School, which is an online school paid for by the Commonwealth. The problem, according to one School Board member (who also happens to be head of the local Democratic Party), is that the Santorums do not live in Penn Hills.

You see, the Santorums live in Leesburg, VA. While they are dutiful, tax-paying residents of PA, they also recognize the importance of being together as a family while the Senate is in session. Thus they own homes in both PA and VA, the latter which offers the Senator a quick commute into the District.

You can read about it in this article, and you can read Senator Santorum's Press Release (definitely shows his heart for his family). Without raising a fuss, the Santorums have agreed to withdraw their children from the Cyber-School.

As if that weren't enough, the School Board member is NOW asking the Santorums to repay the School District for the last 4 years their children were part of this Cyber-School. Let's think about this... The Santorum children don't utilize any school resources, take up any seats in a physical classroom, or necessitate the need for playgrounds in the Penn Hills School District. By homeschooling, they actually SAVE the School District money! Someone on the School Board seems to miss this point.

What is this? I mean, com'on. How desperate do you have to be? Sentaor Santorum is in his second term, he travels to every county in the Commonwealth every year, and he represents the people of PA better than anyone could. But the fact that his family wants to be close to their husband and dad prevents them from being considered full-fledged residents of PA?? Where is the understanding for the intense time constraints upon a Senator and his family? I'm just dumbfounded....

Knowing the family and having spent time with the children, it's really an unfortunate thing that they are being targeted like this. Everyone knows the life of a Senator, and I think it's admirable that he does everything possible to be with them every single night.

Apparently, it's okay to discriminate when it comes to a family-loving, home-schooling Senator who understands the importance of being a dad.



DcD said...

First off, I'm responding as simply one who knows the family, but I'm not directly involved in their lives, so I can't speak for them....

I think if you look at any Senator, he/she lives in the District for many months out of the year. Most Senators/Congressman own or rent homes or townhouses in the District or within commuting distance. I have heard of Senators with families who fly into DC to work Tues-Thurs (approx) in the Senate and then fly back home for a 3 or 4 day weekend. The Santorums, on the other hand, realize the importance to be with the family ALL of the time (they have 6 children ages 15 to 3 1/2, I think).

I think the proximity of VA to PA is one reason why this is feasible. The drive to Harrisburg is 2 hours max. Pittsburgh is 5, Philly is 3. Again, they take a bus tour around the Commonwealth every year to visit every county- I bet that's more than most Senators.... I will also frequently hear of them (or just the Senator) traveling back to PA on weekends every couple of weeks (or more often)- he is committed to staying in touch with the people of PA, which again I think is more than most Senators (look at why Daschle lost- he was painted as being out of touch with South Dakota).

I understand your concerns about residency, but the lives of Senators are a unique circumstance. Add to the fact that the Santorums have 6 children, I think it is reasonable. Most Senators (not judging, just looking at the demographics) have children that are grown or at least in college- a Senator as young as Mr. Santorum is a sort of rarity and I don't think he should be prevented from wanting to be involved in the lives of his children.

Rachelle said...

My senators from the state of Washington both reside in the East and spend some time in their state occasionally and A LOT right before election time. The people of Pennsylvania sent Rick Santorum to do a job in D.C.; they should be understanding that he would live there during that time.