AHHHHH!!! What a CRAZY show!!?? I never watched the X-Files as a teen, but I can imagine this is like what that show was like. Scary, freaky, crazy - the kind of show where you stop breathing for 30 seconds while something wild happens. Also, the kind of show where you sometimes have to look away (you know, enough is enough when it comes to brain matter).
"24" could go down the tubes, for all I care - this show is so much better.
Oh - and did you see Adam on Idol tonight - wooooah, nelly. Here's the original - sounded nothing like it, but what an amazing performance - vocal control, original version, haunting arrangement. Pretty wild (not saying I'd buy his album, but entertaining nonetheless).
about the idol part (since i know nothing about fringe...), i couldn't believe Simon gave Adam a STANDING OVATION. i don't think he's ever done that.
Adam was awsome, he surely is going to win. I think Scott, lil or kris will be going home. We had fringe on tape as we had to back up the dvr to tape the end of idol and also got Fringe in the deal. First time to see it. Will probably try it again next week! Just too many unanswered questions about the kid tonight.
Yeah-the bald dude at the end has been in a few episodes. He just appears, disappears, and all that crazy stuff. We may not get much on the kid next week, the way the preview looks.
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