Monday, April 06, 2009

13 Hours

There are a lot of things you can accomplish in 13 hours, give or take an hour or so:
1) Drive to Memphis from Ashburn (done, multiple times)
2) Fly from LAX to Melbourne, Australia - (done)
3) Go to church, go to Sunday School, get lunch, buy Claritin, meet friends, drive into DC, have a picnic on Hains Point watching airplanes take off and land (and switch directions doing so, as the wind changed), WALK to the Jefferson Memorial and FDR Memorial, WALK all the way back, head out of town, eat a great meal at Carrabba's, and get home all wiped out.

We walked at least 5 miles, but we had a blast with our friends. Pictures to come soon, but the camera is currently in the car with Angela. At Carrabba's, after dinner, Mia quietly said to me, "I'm ready to go home." I politely responded, "Let's eat dessert first," to which her little face livened up. Then halfway through dessert, I heard, "I'm ready to go home, Daddy."

We couldn't have asked for better weather or better friends to spend the day with. And in fact, they kept the girls (primarily Mia) entertained almost the whole time, which was like a break for us!

Oh, and who could forget that we got to see Auntie Sabella for a few minutes!

1 comment:

Abby said...

that's awesome...and you finished the day at Carrabbas! :)