Monday, August 20, 2007

It is HER car, after all....

It's never a good thing when you receive a call from an unknown area code and it's your wife on the phone saying, "Everything is ok, but...."

[5 minutes earlier]

Ang and Mia were enjoying a nice day on the town, doing some midday shopping. Ang put Mia in the car seat, and Mia had been such a wonderful shopper that when she asked for the "keese," Ang was more than happy to oblige.

[3 days earlier]

Mia was playing in the basement and found Ang's keys in her purse. She picked them up, found the new Pilot key, and started hitting buttons. Imagine her surprise when after a couple of button pushes, the horn honked. And again. And again. She really liked it.

[Back to 5 minutes earlier]

Mia quickly found that same button and excitedly pushed it. Twice. The horn honked (oh boy!). Oh no. It would have been fine, but Mom (Ang) was not in the car with Mia. Nor had Mom left any doors open. She was getting the stroller to put in the trunk (what do you call the back of an SUV?). Surely, it must have been another car. Oh no. It surely was our adorable little genius of a girl.

[Quick meteorological interlude]

After some sweltering days last week, it has cooled off nicely and today was overcast and 75ish. Thankfully.

[Back to "present"]

I jump in the car at work, call AAA, call the Sheriff's Office (AAA suggested it), and head down the road. I'm about 20 minutes away. AAA says it will be an hour (ugh!). Sheriff's Office says they don't carry slim-jims anymore, but in cases of emergency could break the window (hope this isn't an emergency).

Mia, now, is just having a blast. Playing, and happily strapped in her car seat. Ang tries to get her to press "the other button," which she does lightly, but not enough to open the doors.

Then, the fire truck shows up. Drives around, finally finds Ang, who incredulously asks, "Are you here for ME???" (As a matter of fact, yes.) And while they only had a minute or two to try to slim-jim the door open (so maybe they do carry them still), I drove up, clicked the clicker before I even got out of the car, and 30 seconds later the fire truck was gone, ambulance left, and deputy could go back to fighting crime.

And our sweet li'l Mia was just as happy as could be. Who needs OnStar - I am my own OnStar!!!


Unknown said...

That is exactly why we bought a SUV that has the keypad on the door. Kids! You've got to love them!

Anonymous said...

Lol that is sooo silly! and kinda scary.
Luv Yaz!

Anonymous said...

Oh my word! Wow... that's a story for the baby book! Kind'a scary... I think I need to find Mia a set of play keys that make honking noises... wonder if they sell them, like they sell fake cell phones. Speaking of cell phones, did you hear about the lady who's 2 year old called 911 a bazillion times over the course of a couple months with an old, off-network phone? Better keep phones from Mia too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Danny... Try this. Sometime when you are away, have Ang lock the doors. Have her call you from the cell and then have her put the cell up to the door and you click your unlock button into your phone...