Saturday, October 07, 2006

Belated News

Yes, it's true. Just as everyone has suspected....

(hah! made your heart skip a beat, huh?!)

The alumni of Patrick Henry College are definitely superior to the current students. Or something like that.

In an athletic exercise that proved we are too old to be doing these kinds of things, about 14 alumni took on about 35 students in a game of tackle football. And yes, the school made us sign waivers, considering it was played on their property.

The first half saw little offensive action, except for a big play for each side. There were a few turnovers for each side as well, which made it fun.

[Did I mention we had refs, chains, and even mouthguards!]

In the second half, the alums took the lead, only to see it vanish again. With the alums again holding a one touchdown lead, the students began a drive and got down to about the 1 yard line (due to a bad pass interference call by the backjudge). The amazing alum front line held up and on 2nd and Goal, Mark L. stripped the ball out of the running back's arms and Aaron C. pounced on it like a Marine on a...well, whatever a Marine would pounce upon in the line of duty.

Anyway, that basically sealed the game.

Yours truly threw for 2 TDs, caught one interception, threw one interception (it was on fourth down, so just as good as a punt), and escaped major injury.

Props to the front line: Mike H., Jimson, Mark L., and John K. They fought on both sides of the ball for a full hour and won the game for us.

Oh, and the real game ball goes to: The other team, for letting Jesse Brown play - he's not really an alum, but he is a former student and good pal. Jesse ran for a touchdown, caught a touchdown, and laid some hits on the other team that just makes you hurt down deep.

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