Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Prayer Request

Please pray for us this week, and especially for Angela. She will be
having surgery on Friday morning at 11.

In a nutshell, she has a soft tissue mass in her neck, close to her
coroted artery (its official title is a Sympathetic Chain Schwanoma).
She is having it removed before it causes any problems.

While its location gives cause for concern, the surgery is relatively
minor. Nonetheless, we are a bit nervous as the day approaches.

Please pray: 1) for wisdom and steadiness of hand for the surgeon (Dr.
Prasad) who will perform the surgery; 2) for strength for Angela's
body during the surgery and for a healthy and speedy recovery; 3) that
they mass will not rupture during removal and will be completely
removed; and 4) anything else you'd like to pray for.

We will keep you updated....


Anonymous said...

Will do.

Unknown said...

We will certainly be keeping you in our prayers. Let us know if there is anything that we can do from oh so far away! Is this an outpatient procedure or will Ang be in for a day or so? Let me know so I can figure out where to send flowers... Also would it be ok to call before Friday or would that add to the stress?