Monday, June 19, 2006

NASCAR on the brain

So I was driving to work the other day, and I noticed that the passenger side rear bumper of the car in front of me was wobbling in the wind. The exact phrase that went through my mind in that split second was: "He must have blown a right rear tire."

Yeah, so I've been watching a bit of NASCAR as of late. But, it could have happened. Really.


[This blog entry sponsored by Jamie Cartledge - speaking of which, dad just forwarded us pictures from our trip to Cleveland in '96. Man, did I look 12 years old, or what! Thanks for watching out for me at LCS.]


Anonymous said...

Much love to you for throwing me a bone...

And remember these words to live by: "If you are driving on the interstate and you let someone in and they don't give you a courtesy wave, it is completely within your rights to get up behind them, get them loose and put them into the wall"

Anonymous said...

Snicker... You know it's bad when you start talking like it. The other day... (ok, it was a few months ago)... N commented on how far up the seat was (and also lower than he liked it). I replied, "Well it has to be that way so I can get more down force on the pedal." Um....

I think we're do for another NASCAR get-together, as well as a meeting of the newest family member. Just let us know as soon as y'all feel up to it.