Thursday, December 04, 2008

Speaking for God

There's an interesting dialogue going on at - basically, a humanist group has placed an ad on a bus saying "just be good for goodness's sake" - not because you believe in God. Another group is wanting to place a counter-ad - believe in me because I created you and love you - signed, God. The blog post is here. (NOTE: I haven't read all the comments to know if there's any language, etc.)

What's struck me is that in the first 5-10 comments on the posting, at least 3 or 4 people have argued that signing the statement from "God" is actually blasphemous. Who can speak for God, they say?

I don't think they get it. It's not that someone is trying to put words in God's mouth. Actually, it's much simpler than that. God has already told us exactly what that back-of-the-bus advertisement would say. It's in the Bible. But I guess people forget that that book is still around, not to mention that it is the Word of God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If they are not trying to put words in God's mouth than why not just quote scripture? Who knows maybe Esau will drive by that bus and get the wrong message because scripture does say God hated Esau ;)