Dude, I ate too many baked beans for lunch....Oh, wait, wrong topic.
I've been stymied over the last week by my Access database growing
from 1.7MB in size to over 34MB. Miraculously, I actually saw it
happen today in the blink of an eye. Since I knew what I had just
changed, I realized the issue was with a picture embedded in the
You would think that a 560kb picture would only take up - yes - 560kb.
No, apparently it takes microsoft 32,000kb to fit that 560 into. Once
I linked the image instead of embedding it and then compacted the
database, it shrunk down to its pre-bloated state.
Maybe this is the same thinking that led Microsoft to spend $300
million on a pointless, dumb ad with Seinfeld and Bill Gates. And to
think, all they needed was a pizza box. [Links to come when I'm not on
my iPhone.]
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