Monday, May 07, 2007

Why "24" is a DUMB show

Last season was the first that we jumped on the "24" bandwagon. And I wish it had been the last. This show is just absurd.

Forget the fact that Jack never eats, sleeps, goes potty (can you tell we have a baby?!), or loses battery power to his cell. Forget that he can singlehandedly kill bad dudes through glass panes with a little pistol, all the while escaping 25 rounds from an automatic bad-boy gun. Forget that everyone continues to act like we should kindly take the bad guys into custody instead of just blowing them away (which would keep them from finding a way to kill to good guys).

Forget all that. What is the most incredibly absurd is that in the same day that a nuke goes off in LA and kills 12,000+ people, half the swat teams in LA are dead, and the president has almost kicked the bucket ... the "couples" in CTU have to have relationship issues.

  • "You hurt my feelings."
  • "You looked at him the wrong way."
  • "Do you have feelings for Doyle??"
  • "I'm over you."
For the love of freedom, now is not the time to apologize for the divorce or get into petty arguments. THE FATE OF THE NATION IS IN YOUR HANDS!!!

You think anyone really thinks about those things when you're programming sat coordinates into the computer and tracking Hummers across the lonely desert via infrared stuff?? These people need to learn to compartmentalize!!


The Brain said...

I don't know; I've been involved in some family law, and (from what little I've seen of the show) it doesn't seem unlike the way those situations might actually play out. Compartmentalization doesn't come easy for a lot of survivors of broken relationships. There is a reason you can lose a security clearance or a commission for certain relationship behaviors: after all, someone's life will depend on your programming sat coordinates or tracking Hummers on infrared.

(None of the foregoing, however, is intended to imply that 24 is other than a soap with guns...)

Anonymous said...

In my work experiences, I often have seen people disregard the most important issue of the day in favor of piddly little things. Clearly 24 is 100% true to life everywhere but the true reality that is our political system.


Elisa said...

Have you been talking to Aaron? I'm serious, I think I hear an echo :-) (Though I must admit to kind of enjoying the show for the mere mindless entertainment of it.)

Sarah M. said...

We skipped watching this season... sadly and have managed to be pretty out of touch with what is happening (we're planning on watching it over the summer when it hits DVD).

What I wanted to say was... did you notice too, how no matter where Jack is, his cell phone rings. I mean... he's sneaking around and "RING RING RING." Doesn't he have vibrate mode? I mean seriously!