Sunday, February 04, 2007


Yes, you read correctly. After 8+ months of waiting, lil' Mia has finally broken a tooth. Of course, it had to come one day after Grandma and Aunt Abby left!!

Here's a crude picture, but you can barely see it coming through (with a little help from Photoshop)....

We had a great time with Grandma and Aunt Abby. Two of the best pictures!!

And of course, some fun on the sofa with Daddy!

(I'm very ticklish on my neck!)


Anonymous said...

so NOW she gets a tooth-like you said, one day after we left. it seems like everything good started happening right after we left! it snowed, she cut a tooth...=)

Anonymous said...

dad says

keep us updated on the tooth; without the pic, I would probably not have found it!
