Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tales of a Sleep-Deprived Daddy

I do not recall the following events, but they come from a reliable source.

Situation 1, ~2:30am, Baby's Room:

Mom (M): "Can you come help me?"
Dad (D): "Sure."
M: "I can't see what time it is. How can I tell on the phone?"
D: Mumbles something about the Coca-Cola 600 (which was run on Sunday night).
M: "What are you talking about!!??"

Scenario 2, ~2:45am, Mom & Dad's Bedroom

Background- we're using our telephones as baby monitors until ours arrive. Same difference.

M to a sleepy D: "How do I make the phone a monitor?"
D: "It's easy. Just do this," and proceeds to press the number 1 repeatedly [which is NOT the way to make it a monitor].
M: "You're just pressing #1. How do you make it work??"
D: Proceeds to press #2 repeatedly.
Flustered M: "Sweetie, I need you to wake up. What do I need to press on the phone?"
D: Continues pressing #1. "Like this"
M: After a bit, M finally wakes D up.
[The only part D remembers is the rest of the story]
M: "Honey, I need you to help me here. How do I make the phone a monitor?"
D: "Just like this," and D saves the day by making the phone a monitor. D doesn't understand why M is so frustrated.

Needless to say, I was really enjoying my sleep. =)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Yeah, you have many sleep-deprived experiences ahead of you. Good job on finding the humor in them.

Anonymous said...

I suppose it's rude of me to laugh really hard. ;-)