Friday, April 21, 2006

What my college education achieved

Does anyone else feel like their college experience totally ruined their desire to read? Maybe it's because I'm more of a math/tech guy, and books have never really been my thing.

But- I just don't read. It's horrible.

So imagine the surprise of my lovely, little pregnant wife when I managed to read two books over a weekend!! Well, I should clarify- I finished one book, and completely read the other. Since they are the last two books I've read, I shall recommend them both.

1) 1776, by David McCullough. Amazing book describing the first year of the Revolutionary War (War of American Independence, whatever you want to call it). The best part is the personal feel of the accounts- he uses an insane amount of journal entries and letters- most notably from George Washington. Quite intriguing to read the thoughts of this man during one of the hardest times in his life.

2) Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury. Simple, easy-reading book about life when there are no books, there is no history, and life is all about pleasure and happiness. Shows the result of living with no purpose and the desperate measures one will take when one seeks purpose in life. I had always heard of it, but never read it, so it was good and a quick read (i.e., short).

I'd add them to your list, if I were you.... ;)

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